Religious Education Program for Grades 1 - 6 2024-2025
St Martin de Porres
Confirmation Registration is now open!
Year 1 Confirmation classes will start on Sunday, October 20th.
Year 2 Confirmation classes will start on November 3rd.
Classes will be held at the St Ann Campus in the lower church. All classes will start before Mass begins at 9:30 AM and will end after the 10:30 AM Mass. All students will be expected to attend Mass which will be a requirement for the 2024 - 2025 school season and going forward.
The Confirmation Program is a hybrid program that will meet in person once per month with an online component. Attendance is monitored and a make-up session will be offered for those who miss multiple sessions.
The Confirmation Program is a 2-year program. The Confirmation Program begins as early as 7th Grade with 8th Grade being the new age for Confirmation in the Archdiocese of Boston. The Program must be completed by the 12th grade.
If you have any questions please see Fr. Chris or email Paula Skalinski, the Religious Education Coordinator for the Confirmation Program.
COST OF PROGRAM which includes book and online access
Grades 1 - 6 - $75 per year
Sacramental Preparation - First Communion Grade 2 and Confirmation Year 1 & 2 - $125 per year