Above is the team from Mission Krewe 2024 in Anchorage, AK with participants from three parishes within the Archdiocese of Portland, OR and members of St. Martin de Porres Parish. This was the 9th mission trip and Mission Krewe 2025 in Calgary is in the planning stages and tentatively scheduled from June 22 - 30, 2025. (MK2026 in Baton Rouge, LA and MK2027 in Seattle, WA are also in the works!)
Fr. Chris has been attending these trips for a number of years along with his friends and classmates from Catholic University of America --- Rev. Micheal Vuky (Portland) and Very Rev. Jamin David (Baton Rouge). The students are high school sophmores, juniors and seniors with experienced adult chaperones/parents led by the host youth ministry team. Paricipants work, pray, play and grow in Faith by experiencing new things and meeting new friends. Escape your comfort zone, try something different and meet the challenge head-on!
If you are interested, please contact Fr. Chris in person or email.